FBI Warns of fake job listings to steal money and personal information

NB: Read this article before submit New Jobs! 
Job seekers are warned about scammers whom try to steal money and personal information using fake job listings.

The FBI article can be found here

We have asked job seekers to be cautions in sharing information to anyone that cannot identified outside this site,  www.travelemployees.com  

Post a new job

When you post a new job your registration to the site has started and will be finalised momentarily.

  1. Just fill in your email address.
  2. Fill out the Job Post Fields and press “Preview” and check everything.
  3. “Edit” to change, or “Submit” to publish.

Please Note:
We will reject all registrations if no valid company email exists. (hotmail, gmail and other “neutral” emails are not accepted.

Start here to post a new job:

Leave this blank if the location is not important
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